Solutions for cyclists and pedestrians designed as part of KST IV tram route received a positive opinion of the team tasked with reviewing the safety of vulnerable road users. Below you can find the sheets presented to the team. The designer will still add on them some minor comments from the opinion.

Lema / Meissnera intersectiion and Meissnera street
Lema / Meissnera intersection
Meissnera street and Młyńskie roundabout
Młyńskie roundabout
Młyńskie roundabout and Młyńska street
Polsadu roundabout, Lublańska street and Barei roundabout
Barei roundabout and Dobrego Pasterza street
Dobrego Pasterza, Krzesławicka, Bohomolca streets
Bohomolca and Jancarza streets
Jancarza street and Mistrzejowice tram loop