This is what the KST IV line – Tram to Mistrzejowice will look like. We present visualizations
Work is underway on the fourth stage of the Krakow Fast Tram project. The new line will connect Mistrzejowice with the intersection of Mogilska, Lema, Meissner streets, and John Paul II Avenue, improving transport in the northeastern part of the …
Closure of the sidewalk on Meissnera Street
Details of the changes can be found on the attached map. The expected closure time is approximately 3 weeks, but this may change depending on weather conditions. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
Notice: Exercise extreme caution at pedestrian crossings in the construction area.
Please adhere to the vertical D-6 pedestrian crossing signs throughout the entire construction area, especially on the section between Miechowity Street and Bohaterów Wietnamu Street. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Information on Temporary Traffic Organization Changes
The new traffic geometry will be in effect on Meissnera Street, between Chałupnika and Śliczna Streets. The changes include shifting vehicular traffic from the west to the east side of the roadway. Consequently, the locations of the “Pszona” and “Meissnera” …
Trams have returned to Mistrzejowice!
The new tram loop in Mistrzejowice is an important element of Krakow’s transportation network expansion. The “Mistrzejowice” loop will serve up to 2,700 passengers per hour, significantly improving travel comfort for residents of this part of the city. It has …
Carpentry and Reinforcement Works on Lublańska Street
We inform you that on November 11th, carpentry and reinforcement works will be carried out on Lublańska Street. The works will take place at the height of Promienistych Street, on the side of the office buildings. Please exercise caution. Thank …
Diaphragm Wall Excavation on Młyńska Street
We inform you that from November 4th, diaphragm wall excavation works will begin on Młyńska Street. Due to the need to maintain the continuity of the technological process, the works will be carried out around the clock and will last: …
Informacja o planowanych pracach nocnych
Informujemy, że w nocy:– 23/24 października– 24/25 październikana pętli Mistrzejowice będą prowadzone prace związane z przebudową sieci wodociągowej. Pracę będą dotyczyć sieci o średnicach Ø600 mm i Ø300 mm.Prosimy o zachowanie ostrożności i stosowanie się do oznakowania.Za wszelkie niedogodności przepraszamy …
One-Day Closure of the Crossing on Bohaterów Wietnamu Street
Attention! Traffic disruptions – closure of the entrance from Bohaterów Wietnamu Street to Młyńska Street and works at the intersection of Miechowity and Młyńska Streets. We inform you that on October 17th (Thursday), the entrance from Bohaterów Wietnamu Street to …
Changes in Traffic Organization on Młyńska Street – UPDATE
Due to numerous inquiries about changes in traffic organization on Młyńska Street, we have prepared a more detailed map. The exact dates for the changes will be announced after the upcoming weekend (October 11-12). If you have any additional questions, …
Construction Site Report: September 2024
September 2024 brought significant progress in the “Tram to Mistrzejowice” project. We completed the reconstruction of the heating main along Meissnera Street, paving the way for further works. The works included the construction of the intermediate slab of the Polsad …
Changes in Traffic Organization on Młyńska Street
In the middle of next week, further changes in traffic organization on Młyńska Street will be introduced. The exact date of the changes will be announced after all formalities are completed. As part of the new traffic organization, traffic will …
September Work Summary
September was a month of intense activity and positive changes for us. In this summary, you will find information about the progress of our projects. From the weekend of August 31st/September 1st, as part of the construction of the underground …
Sidewalk Closure on Młyńska Street, Between the Overpass and Miechowity Street
Between Wednesday, October 2nd and Thursday, October 3rd, the sidewalk along Młyńska Street, on the section between Miechowity Street and the overpass, will be closed. A detour has been designated under the building at 12 Młyńska Street. Planned works are …
“Professional Life of the City” – The Future of Young Cracovians in Our Hands
Gϋlermak, the Private Partner in the KST IV Tram to Mistrzejowice project, is participating for the second time in the educational program “Professional Life of the City.” In the second edition of the project, our company will once again introduce …
State Fire Service Exercises at the KST IV Construction Site: Tram to Mistrzejowice
On September 25, exercises involving Rescue and Firefighting Unit No. 3 of the State Fire Service will take place in the tunnel near Rondo Polsad. On September 25 and 26, important evacuation exercises were held at the KST-IV construction site …
2500-Meter Underground Reconstruction Completed
The reconstruction of the heating network as part of the Tram to Mistrzejowice project has been completed. All works were finished before the heating season began to avoid inconveniences for residents. Gülermak, the company responsible for the Tram to Mistrzejowice …
Switching of the DN800 Main Line – Hot Water Supply Interruptions
Switching of the DN800 Main Line – Hot Water Supply Interruptions Due to connection works carried out by the Municipal Heat Energy Company, there will be periodic interruptions in the supply of hot water until September 18, 2024, at 6:00 …
Tram to Mistrzejowice Work Schedule
Due to discrepancies appearing in the public space, we remind you that the schedule of works and their progress is regularly presented on the website and social media, as well as every two weeks during Construction Councils with the participation …
Construction Site Report: August 2024
The construction of the 4.5-kilometer tram line to Mistrzejowice is ongoing, with recent weeks bringing further progress. In the new material, you will see how we use BIM technology in planning and monitoring construction works. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is …
Summary of work in August
In August, work on the construction of the new rapid tram line to Mistrzejowice in Kraków made significant progress. The largest Public-Private Partnership project in Poland, though not without challenges, is delivering visible results. As we bid farewell to August, we reflect on the successes—what has been achieved?
The reconstruction of the sewage system on Krzesławicka Street is starting.
On Monday, September 2nd, work will begin on the reconstruction of the stormwater drainage system on Krzesławicka Street.
New traffic organization at Polsad Roundabout (Update 06.09)
Due to the construction of the underground station Rondo Polsadu as part of the Tram to Mistrzejowice project, a new traffic organization (stage 2.5) has been in effect since the weekend of August 31st/September 1st. This involves road closures, lane reductions, and the introduction of new traffic geometry.
Works on the tram terminus in Mistrzejowice are entering the next stage
Works on the tram terminus in Mistrzejowice are entering the next stage. On Tuesday, August 20, the assembly of prefabricated track slabs will begin.
Lemonade for pet food– Let’s support homeless animals!
We invite everyone to a unique event – Lemonade for residents – this year in exchange for pet food!
Information point closed on 15th and 16th August
We would like to inform you that on August 15th and 16th our Information Point and hotline will be closed.
Announcement on the failure of the water supply system at the Młyńskie roundabout
Yesterday evening, on August 12, after the completion of our works near the Młyńskie Roundabout, the water supply system intended for reconstruction unsealed automatically. The repair of the failure was completed on the night of August 13, at 2:45 a.m. access to water was restored to the residents.
Closure of the pavement at Meissnera Street
Due to the work on the retaining wall, we would like to inform you about the upcoming difficulties. From Monday, August 12, the pavement at Meissnera Street will be closed.
Summary of work in July
According to statistics, July is the rainiest month of the year. Despite heavy rainfall, our work progressed continuously. What has been achieved and what awaits us in the near future?
Reconstruction of power grids
We would like to inform you about the upcoming difficulties related to the reconstruction of power grids this Thursday and Friday.
The ceiling is already under the flyover!
Works on the construction of the ceiling of the “Tram to Mistrzejowice” tunnel at Polsadu Roundabout are entering the next stage. A team of engineers from Gülermak, the general contractor of the tram line, has completed the construction of the ceiling in the area of Młyńska Street and under the flyover of the bypass.
Works in the area of Ugorek Street
We would like to inform you that there will be difficulties in the area of the intersection of Meissnera Street and Ugorek Street. Works related to the reconstruction of the telecommunication network will be carried out in half between 29 and 30 July.
Cooperation and substantive discussion in progress
The implementation of the KST4 investment involves many complex activities that require careful analysis and compliance with regulations. During yesterday’s meeting with representatives of residents, we discussed the procedures and stages of formalization of arrangements.
Summary of the work in June
Connecting the Dominikański Sudole to a new riverbed, or reconstruction of the tram terminus to Mistrzejowice. There was a lot of progress in the construction of the Fast Tram in June!
Night work
We would like to inform you that today at 5:00 p.m. the concreting of the next segment of the ceiling above the “Rondo Polsadu” station will begin, which will last until 8:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Change in the organization of pedestrian traffic
We would like to inform you about the closure of the pavement at Meissera Street between Janickiego and Łąkowa Streets.
Reconstruction of Jancarza Street
We would like to inform you that from Thursday, July 18, works related to the overvoltage of the rainwater drainage system in the area of the Mistrzejowice loop will begin. Due to the need to narrow the roadway, manual traffic control will be introduced between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Organization of bicycle and pedestrian traffic
In connection with the commencement of the next stage of construction as part of the Tram to Mistrzejowice project, from 17 July changes will be made to pedestrian and bicycle routes in the area of Meissnera, Młyńska and Dobrego Pasterza streets.
The next stage of the reconstruction of the heating network
We would like to inform you about the commencement of the next stage of the reconstruction of the heating network along the western part of Meissnera Street and the partial closure of the pavement.
Reconstruction of the power grid in the area of 120-122 Dobrego pasterza Street
From next Tuesday, July 9, works related to the reconstruction of the power grid along the buildings at Dobrego Pasterza Street numbered 120-122 will begin.
Urgent reconstruction in the Łąkowa Street area
We would like to inform you that due to the change in the order of works, it is necessary to rebuild the heat pipe in the area of Łąkowa Street earlier.
The Sudół Dominikański flows with a new current
Work on Sudół Dominikański has been completed – the underground river is already flowing with a new current. At the end of June, the waters of the stream were introduced into a chamber in the area of Miechowity Street, and then flowed through the entire length of the newly built canal, i.e. 388.65 m (including chambers approx. 400 meters). The reconstruction of Sudół Dominikański was one of the most difficult engineering tasks of the first stage of construction.
Night-time aggregate operation in the area of the car park at KS Wieczysta
We ask for your understanding of any inconveniences related to the night operation of the generator in the area of the KS Wieczysta car park. We would like to inform you that during the heating of heating pipes, an uninterrupted process of work is necessary. The technology requires the aforementioned continuity of work to ensure the highest quality of workmanship and safety of operation.
Reconstruction of the Mistrzejowice tram terminus
We would like to remind you that from next Monday, June 24, the Mistrzejowice tram terminus will be closed.
Reconstruction of the heat pipeline at Ugorek Street
We would like to inform you that from next Tuesday, June 18 to Friday, June 21, there will be difficulties in the area of the intersection of Meissnera and Ugorek streets.
Reconstruction of the power grid at 118c Dobrego Pasterza Street
We would like to inform you that from next Monday, June 17, works related to the reconstruction of the power grid near the transformer station will begin. Due to the works, the access road to the internal car park with a barrier and access to the car park at block 118c at Dobrego Pasterza Street will be temporarily out of use.
Exclusion of 5 parking spaces at 118 Dobrego Pasterza Street
We would like to inform you that from next Monday, June 17, works related to the reconstruction of the power grid near the transformer station will begin.
Summary of the work in May
The commencement of excavations in the area of the Mistrzejowice terminus and reinforcement works of the upper floor slab for the Polsadu Roundabout station – these are just some of the great advances in the construction of the Tram to Mistrzejowice. What was completed in May and how will the upcoming works be carried out? We tell the story.
Night operation of the generator at Janickiego Street
We ask for your understanding of any inconveniences related to the night operation of the generator in the area of Janickiego Street. We would like to inform you that during the heating of heating pipes, an uninterrupted process of work is necessary. The technology requires the aforementioned continuity of work to ensure the highest quality of workmanship and safety of operation. Thanks to the use of pre-heating, it was possible to partially resign from compensation and reduce the occupancy of green areas.
Lublańska street in cross-section
Please take a look at the graphic showing a section of Lublańska street between the Bareja and Polsad roundabouts.
Information point will be closed on may 31st
We would like to announce that our information point will be closed on May 31st
Underground tram stops – “Rondo Młyńskie” and “Rondo Polsadu”
Part of the new tram line to Mistrzejowice will run below ground level. On the route with a total length of over 1.2 km, passengers will find two underground stops – “Rondo Młyńskie” and “Rondo Polsadu”. Going in the direction …
Summary of the XVI building council
On Thursday, May 23, the Construction Council took place with the participation of representatives of the Private Partner of Local Government entities and the social side. During the meeting, three key topics important for residents were discussed.
Summary of work in april
This is the tenth month of work on the construction of the tram line to Mistrzejowice. What is the progress so far and how will the next works be carried out? We tell the story.
24/7 work on the tunnel
The construction of the tunnel that will carry the tramway to Mistrzejowice requires constant work, even during night hours. What exactly is being done, how is the excavation being carried out, and when can residents expect the round-the-clock work to be completed?
Interruption of use of a section of roadway
We would like to inform you that due to works related to the gas network, a section of Kwartowa Street will be closed to traffic on Thursday, May 9th.
Progressive reconstruction of heat pipeline
Another section of the parking lot on Meissner Street will be shut down on May 6 due to work on the reconstruction of a heat pipeline.
Information Center closed on May 2
We would like to inform you that on May 2 our Information Center and hotline will be closed. We cordially invite you to visit us after the long May weekend.
Professional City Life – transportation and communication
As a partner of the project, we cordially invite you to participate in a free workshop, during which you will gain the knowledge and materials needed to create your own film reportage entitled. “Professional Life of the City.” This is a unique opportunity to learn about the tasks of those involved in the implementation of the Tramway to Mistrzejowice project and get to know their natural working environment.
Exclusion of the parking lot along Meissner 4 and 6 buildings
Starting next Monday, April 22, another section of the parking lot on Meissner Street will be taken out of service.
Additional stops “Olsza II”
Additional stops “Olsza II” will be designated in the area of the Polsad traffic circle for bus lines 129, 138, 159 and 172.
Closure of parking along Meissner 4 and 6 buildings
Beginning next Tuesday, April 16, work will begin on the reconstruction of a heat pipeline on Meissnera Street. Due to the works, the parking lot along Meissnera buildings 4 and 6 will be temporarily out of service. Replacement parking for residents, will be located at 6 Pilotów Street – Castorama and on Pilotów Street opposite Pilot Tower on the closed section of the road.
Summary of work in March
We have completed the ninth month of work on the construction of the streetcar line to Mistrzejowice. Significant progress has been made on work concentrated on the area of the “Polsad Roundabout” station and on the reconstruction of the Dominican River canal. What else have we managed to complete?
Planned water shutdowns
We would like to inform you that on the night of April 9th, 2024, from 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM, due to planned maintenance on the water supply network, there will be a temporary interruption in water supply.
Night works in the area of Miechowity Street
We would like to remind you that works related to the construction of the streetcar line to Mistrzejowice are carried out on working days from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. However, in special cases, the works must be carried out with minimal traffic.
Happy Hallelujah!
A peaceful and cheerful Easter, full of love and family warmth wishes Gülermak!
Reconstruction of Krzesławicka Street
Work on the construction of a new water main is scheduled to begin April 8. As they will be carried out in the existing roadway, access to properties will be provided by the track substructure that is currently being performed.
Interruption in the use of a road section
We would like to inform you that in connection with the excavation necessary for the reconstruction of the gas network, a section of Dobrego Pasterza Street located between the Tertium Business Park building and the area of the Municipal Police Station will be closed to traffic.
Replacement parking at KS Wieczysta stadium
Due to the construction of MV 15 kV cable lines, it will be necessary to disable part of the parking lot at 4 Meissnera St. We request that you direct your vehicles to the substitute parking lot at the KS Wieczysta stadium for the duration of our work
Breakdown on Meissner Street
Today, in the afternoon, an incident occurred while working on an existing water main. The incident posed no danger to residents or workers and will not affect the schedule of ongoing work. It also did not cause an interruption in water supply.
Partial closure of Miechowity Street
In connection with the construction of a new route of the Dominican Sudo as part of the Tram to Mistrzejowice project, traffic organization in the area of Mlynska and Miechowity streets will change starting March 16. Miechowity Street will be closed, and there will be narrowing on Mlynska Street.
Summary of work in February
This is the eighth month of work on the construction of the tram line to Mistrzejowice. What is the progress so far and what awaits us in March? We bring you the answers.
Obstructions to pedestrian traffic on Meissner Street
As of Monday, March 4, pedestrians on a section of Meissner Street will face difficulties. Traffic will be redirected from the sidewalk located on the west side to the east sidewalk. The difficulties will last a week.
The world’s longest tram line
The tram is undoubtedly one of the most comfortable and popular means of transport. Where on the map can we find the place where we can savour such a journey for the longest time? It turns out that we don’t have to look far.
History of trams in Kraków
Trams not only serve as a convenient and environmentally friendly means of public transport. For the people of Krakow, they are an important part of the city’s culture and history. Almost 123 years have passed since the first run of Krakow’s electric tram, but the origins of public transport go back a little further.
Changes in traffic organization on Lublańska Street
Drivers in the northern part of Krakow are facing further temporary changes to traffic organisation. In connection with the ongoing construction of the tram line tunnel to Mistrzejowice, from 24 February closures and narrowing of the carriageway will appear on Lublańska street.
Replanting of trees as part of the construction of KST IV
With the completion of tree replanting for the construction of the tram line to Mistrzejowice, it is worth taking a closer look at the process. Here is a brief overview of how the trees were replanted.
BIM technology
The construction of a tunnel as part of the emerging tram line to Mistrzejowice is one of the biggest engineering challenges of the project. One of the key aspects is the use of BIM technology. What does it involve? We explain.
Seven months of works completed
We have just ended another month of works on the construction of the tram route to Mistrzejowice. In January, we focused on the construction of the “Polsadu Roundabout” station and the rebuilding of the Sudół Dominikański watercourse. What else have we accomplished?
A 335 kilometer-long redevelopment
The tram route to Mistrzejowice is much more than just laying tracks between the existing terminus in Mistrzejowice and the intersection of Mogilska and Jana Pawła II Streets. It also involves the redevelopment of as much as 335 kilometers of existing infrastructure.
Changes to the Information Center
The KST IV Information Center is for the residents. That’s why, starting 5 February it will be open on Mondays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on other weekdays. You are welcome!
Hydrotechnical changes in the Sudół Dominikański watercourse
Building a tunnel involves adapting the area to new transportation needs. In the case of the Tramway to Mistrzejowice, one of the biggest challenges is the reconstruction of the Sudół Dominikański. It involves modifying the shape and course of the river and adapting it to the new development.
The Contractor’s position on the cutting of trees on Lublańska Street
In reference to the works made under the decision of the City of Kraków on the modification of Change Order no. 4, the following is the Contractor’s position on their progress.
10.5/11, or how we are changing the KST IV design
During today’s seventh construction council, involving the residents, issues were raised about how to implement the project in the Lublańska Street area. In August last year, the Mayor of Kraków declared that changes postulated by residents would be made to the KSTIV design, within the framework of the ZRID decision. Today, after the Private Partner has presented the results of financial, formal and technical analyses, we can confirm that 10 of the 11 changes will be introduced into the design.
Summary of works in December
The sixth month of work on the construction of the tram route to Mistrzejowice is behind us. In December, we continued the construction of the “Polsadu Roundabout” station and the new channel of the Sudół Dominikański watercourse. What else kept us busy?
What is a temporary traffic organization? Let’s explain.
The construction of a tram route, new roads, underground networks, pedestrian and bicycle routes in the middle of a city is a huge challenge. In order to efficiently manage traffic while the work is being carried out, temporary traffic organization is necessary.
Temporary traffic organization (stage 2.3) – design is ready, approval pending!
In connection with the ongoing construction of the tunnel for the Tram to Mistrzejowice, traffic changes will await drivers from the second half of February. The temporary traffic organization design (stage 2.3) has already been prepared and submitted to city services. Pending their evaluation and approval, we present the prepared documentation.
Changes in the Polsadu Roundabout area
Responding to notifications and the needs of drivers, some modifications to the current temporary traffic organization will be introduced starting January 11. These changes will include a section of Lublańska Street and Bora-Komorowskiego Avenue.
We wish you a Merry Christmas
The “Tram to Mistrzejowice” team and Gülermak wish you a Merry Christmas! May they be full of love, joy and unforgettable moments with your loved ones, and may the coming year bring you much success!
The last 12 months – a wrap-up
The year 2023 was marked by many challenges on the construction of the Kraków Fast Tram to Mistrzejowice. Here’s the summary of the most significant events of the past year.
Summary of November works
What does the site of our project look like after 5 months of work? What did we manage to do in November and what do we plan to do in December? Let’s sum it up.
Information Center now open
The Information Center for the construction of the Tram to Mistrzejowice is now open. It is located near the intersection of Dobrego Pasterza and Strzelców Streets and is open on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You are welcome!
KST IV Information Center
The Information Center for the Kraków Fast Tram to Mistrzejowice starts on December 11. You will find it near the intersection of Dobrego Pasterza and Strzelców Streets.
Tunnel construction work has started
We have resumed work on the construction of the “Polsadu Roundabout” underground stop. More specifically – we have returned to the stage of slurry wall deepening. A new deepening machine named “Lucjan” has entered the construction site.
Temporary traffic difficulties
This Wednesday, November 29, drivers will face difficulties at the Polsadu Roundabout. The temporary lane closures will be related to the sinking of steel cofferdams.
Little champions – tramway to Mistrzejowice
We are launching a series of workshops for the youngest residents of Kraków. “Little champions – tramway to Mistrzejowice” are free educational classes in educational institutions. They will soon also be held in our information center. We will launch this year’s edition in late November and early December.
The fourth month of work has passed
Another month of work on the construction of the tram route to Mistrzejowice is behind us. In October we continued the key stage: the construction of the Polsadu underground station. What else have we managed to complete?
Changes in traffic organization on Meissnera and Młyńska Streets
In connection with the construction of the tramway to Mistrzejowice, the next stage of temporary traffic organization will come into force from November 18. Closures and narrowing of roadway lanes will be introduced on Meissnera and Młyńska Streets and will be in effect along with the traffic organization introduced on October 21.
Meeting on traffic organization
On Tuesday, October 24, representatives of the council of District III (Prądnik Czerwony), the contractor for the works and the city discussed the traffic organization that has been in place since October 21 in the area of the Polsadu Roundabout.
Summary of September work
The third month of construction of the tramway to Mistrzejowice is behind us. We started work on the construction of the underground stop “Polsad Roundabout” and prepared the area for the new traffic organization. What else did we accomplish in September?
Major changes in traffic organization on Lublańska Street, Młyńska Street and Bora Komorowskiego Avenue
The new traffic organisation will be in force from 21 October. Road closures and constrictions will occur on Lublańska Street, Młyńska Street, Bora Komorowskiego Avenue and, from mid-November at the earliest, also on Meissner Street.
Difficulties at Polsad Roundabout
This Thursday and Friday, October 12 and 13, drivers will face difficulties at the Polsadu Roundabout. The temporary lane closures will be related to the transport of technical equipment.
October Construction Council with public participation
On Thursday, October 5, the second Construction Council took place with the participation of the public side. We have compiled for you a summary of the answers to the questions asked by councilors and residents.
We have completed conducting an inventory of buildings and apartments
As construction work on the underground stop and tunnel has commenced, we have concluded the acceptance of applications from individuals interested in inspecting buildings and apartments within the project’s impact area. Since July, we have successfully inventoried nearly 500 apartments.
Work has begun on the construction of the underground Polsad Roundabout stop
Site preparation is slowly coming to an end. In mid-September, work began on the construction of the underground Polsad Roundabout stop, and at the beginning of this week we started sinking the diaphragm walls. What exactly are we doing at this stage and how is the excavation being carried out?
Closed lanes and constrictions at Polsad Roundabout
Starting Thursday, October 5, further modifications will be implemented to the temporary traffic arrangements in connection with the construction of the tramway to Mistrzejowice. Road closures and lane restrictions will be in effect around the Polsad Roundabout area.
Overnight emergency occupation of Polsad Roundabout roadway
During the night of September 27-28, an emergency occupation of the Polsad Roundabout roadway was conducted. The purpose of this operation was to ensure the continued functionality of the underground infrastructure.
Construction site report July/August 2023
The construction of a 4.5-kilometer tram route to Mistrzejowice is well underway, with plans to put it into operation by 2025. Recent weeks have been dedicated to intensive site preparation, the reconstruction of underground infrastructure, and the establishment of a site for the future track construction.
The second month of work is behind us
The construction of the tramway to Mistrzejowice is making significant progress. The project site is now being prepared for the foundational work. So, what progress has been achieved in the second month since the work began?
Buildings to be inspected until the end of September
Anyone desiring an inspection of properties within the construction impact zone can request one until the end of September. Below, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions about these inspections.
Difficulties on Dobrego Pasterza Street
This coming Monday, September 4, residents of Kraków will face temporary difficulties in crossing Dobrego Pasterza Street. Preparatory work will be carried out in connection with the construction of the Tramway to Mistrzejowice.
Location of stops on the route to Mistrzejowice
Although the construction of the tramway route to Mistrzejowice has only just begun, and its completion is scheduled for the end of 2025, from the perspective of public transport passengers the most important and most frequently asked question is: where will the new tramway stops be located? We bring you the answers.
Changes in parking at the intersection of Bohaterów Wietnamu and Młyńska Streets
Work is underway on the Tram to Mistrzejowice project. On August 24, a temporary parking ban will be introduced at the parking lot at the intersection of Bohaterów Wietnamu and Młyńska Streets.
Traffic restrictions on Meissnera street
Beginning next Wednesday, August 16, residents of part of Meissnera Street will face temporary difficulties due to the construction of the Tramway to Mistrzejowice. Parking will be temporarily banned.
The first month of work has passed
A month has already passed since the start of construction of the Tramway to Mistrzejowice. During this time, the focus was on preparing the site for the redevelopment of the underground infrastructure and for the construction of the tracks. – …
The construction of the line to Mistrzejowice starts. What do we know about limitations?
The contractor for the new tramway route to Mistrzejowice will soon begin essential construction work. A ZRID decision has been issued allowing works to begin. What traffic changes can residents in the vicinity of the investment expect? The construction manager answered our questions.
Inventory of buildings in the immediate vicinity of the project
In connection with the upcoming construction work, the contractor will conduct an inventory of the existing condition of buildings that are located in the immediate vicinity of the project.
Response to residents’ demands
President Jacek Majchrowski declared to respond to the demands that residents voiced during the information meetings. Below are the changes we have taken into account after the analyses.
Constant ornithological and wildlife surveillance during the works
The ongoing work is under constant ornithological and wildlife monitoring. Prior to the start of felling work, trees are checked for animal habitation.
Construction of Tram to Mistrzejowice kicks off
The first preparatory work for the redevelopment of the technical infrastructure and the construction of the tram route will begin this coming Monday: 3 July.
Construction of tramway to Mistrzejowice kicks off
The first preparatory work for the redevelopment of the technical infrastructure and the construction of the tram route will begin this coming Monday: 3 July.
Answers to residents’ questions after the meeting
During the meetings, we tried to provide as much information about the project as possible. Due to limited time, we did not answer all the questions and suggestions raised. As declared, we present a summary of questions and answers. Download …
Meeting with residents on site
This Friday, June 23, 2023, we invite you to a meeting with residents at the construction site of the Tram to Mistrzejowice. This is another opportunity to talk and learn about the design of the newly created infrastructure.
Project documentation for residents
At the request of Residents who participate in ongoing informational meetings, we are publishing simplified names of project documentation.
Second issue of the ‘Informator’ already available to residents
You can read about the first stage of the temporary traffic organization, tunnel construction technology and the role of the City Traffic Engineer in the latest issue of our “Informator” paper.
Materials for informational meetings with residents
With additional informational meetings with residents coming up, we encourage you to review the documentation approved in the ZRID decision.
Information meetings with residents
In response to emerging questions on the planned construction of a tram route to Mistrzejowice, we invite you to additional information meetings. Representatives of the private partner and city authorities will discuss details of the design solutions with residents.
May press conference at Kraków City Hall
On 26 May, a press conference was held at Krakow’s city hall for the last time before work begins. Representatives of the city authority and the contractor, Gülermak, summarized the work to date on the investment and the plan for green space around the new route.
Traffic organization during preparatory works
Once the plots of land for the construction of the new connection to Mistrzejowice have been handed over, cleanup work will begin, preparing the site for the start of the main work. In the first stage, residents will face short-term and local narrowing of traffic lanes, sidewalks or bicycle paths along the entire project, as well as restrictions at the Polsad Roundabout.
Tramway to Mistrzejowice with building permit
There is a green light to begin work on the construction of the tram route to Mistrzejowice. Following the handover of land by the Kraków City Roads Authority, the Private Partner will begin organizing the construction site and preparatory work. According to the current schedule, the new infrastructure will be ready by the end of 2025.
Tramway to Mistrzejowice with building permit
There is a green light to begin work on the construction of the tram route to Mistrzejowice. Following the handover of land by the Kraków City Roads Authority, the Private Partner will begin organizing the construction site and preparatory work. According to the current schedule, the new infrastructure will be ready by the end of 2025.
April meeting with District XV councilors
On 26 April, representatives of the KST IV project met with councilors of District XV to answer questions from both councilors and residents. Below is a summary of those questions and the answers given.
Tram within a PPP framework – what does this mean for infrastructure maintenance and upgrades?
Construction of Kraków’s new tram infrastructure is about to begin and will last 31 months. According to the signed agreement, the private partner is responsible not only for the design, raising funds from financial institutions and construction, but also for maintaining, upgrading and repairing the new infrastructure for the next 20 years.
Tramway to Mistrzejowice with environmental agreements
New plantings, green tracks and stops, revitalization of the terminus: we know what the green development around the tram route to Mistrzejowice will look like. Residents will gain a modern and sustainable means of transportation, providing an alternative to cars.
Adaptation of urban space to the needs of visually impaired people
Accessibility of public space for people with disabilities is one of the key challenges facing designers of modern cities. Thanks to the infrastructure that accompanies the “Tram to Mistrzejowice” investment, people with visual disabilities will soon have a new space adapted to their needs.
Tramway to Mistrzejowice will run on green trackbed
In recent years, more and more cities are beginning to appreciate the potential of trackbed as a perfect spot to locate additional green areas. The trend is especially popular in cities that are seeking new ways to improve the quality of life of their residents. Kraków is a leader in the greening of tramway routes in Poland. The Tram to Mistrzejowice is yet another project following this pattern.
Location of ticket machines revealed for the tram route to Mistrzejowice!
Ticket machines are installed in the last stage of the tram route construction, but their locations must be planned already at the design stage. Why so early? To secure power. Where exactly?
Passengers will reach underground stops by elevators and escalators
The tram route to Mistrzejowice will feature a grade-separated solution through two Kraków roundabouts: underground. Moving between levels is not easy for everyone and some users may even find it impossible. Therefore, the design provides for safe elevators and escalators.
Questions and answers from the meeting with District Council III Prądnik Czerwony
At the invitation of District Council III, representatives of the KST IV project attended the February session, answering councillors’ questions. These included questions submitted by residents. A summary of these questions and answers is published below.
The first section of Kraków premetro to be launched in 2025
In the spring of 2023, once the RCC decision (ZRID) is obtained, construction works for the tram route to Mistrzejowice will start. If everything goes according to plan, the new 4.5-kilometer track section – made in the public-private partnership formula – will be completed at the end of 2025.
Financing documents signed – Final Closure
We’re proud and humbled to announce that we’ve signed the financing documents for Krakow Tram project as of December 2022. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank and PFR are among the lenders financing the construction of KST IV!
Tramway to Mistrzejowice is the topic of a project group study
The designed tram route to Mistrzejowice has become the subject of a scientific analysis! Students of one of Kraków’s universities chose the planned investment for a case study to analyze a real, current and important matter in the field of public administration.
Where do construction deadlines come from? It’s all about scheduling!
How to estimate construction time? How to coordinate all tasks, taking into account weather conditions, the availability of subcontractors or the need to work under ‘live traffic’? We cover this on our latest story on time management at the construction site.
Tramway to Mistrzejowice – on the homestretch for the kick-off
The beginning of next year will see the launch of the construction of another tram route in the north of Krakow – however, this is not an investment you’ve seen before. Not only is it implemented in the PPP formula, but it is also precisely adapted to the needs of a modern city.
They provide direct current for the trams. We will build two traction substations
Out of concern for urban architecture, we located one of the traction substations for the needs of powering the KST IV route underground. This is how we reduced the occupation of land for the needs of operating the facility to a minimum.
Accesses to the stop under Młyńskie roundabout will be roofed
Two entrances leading to the Młyńskie Roundabout stop, designed on level -1, will be roofed. It will be more comfortable for users and will protect the infrastructure against unfavorable weather conditions.
The Municipal Greenery Authority (ZZM) agreed on the design for plantings
1,055 new tress and almost 25,000 shrubs, grasses, perennials and creepers will be planted along the planned tram route to Mistrzejowice. ZZM approved the location and type of compensation plantings.
Mistrzejowice Terminus – brand new face after 50 years
The new route to Mistrzejowice ushers in major changes not only where the tracks are introduced for the first time. The current terminus will gain a new look and, above all, functionality.
Energy-efficient street lighting to reduce electricity bills
The growing costs of electricity consumption prompted local governments to seek savings. One way to cut the bills is to upgrade street lighting. The Bohomolca and Krzesławicka streets planned for redevelopment prove that replacing sodium fixtures with LEDs cuts electricity consumption by as much as half.
The first premetro section to be made together with the tram route to Mistrzejowice
Over 1.5 km of the new tram route to Mistrzejowice will be shared with premetro. The works performed during the construction of the trackbed will be part of the new solution expected by the residents of Kraków.
We distributed 15 thousand news-sheets
What will underground stops look like? When are works planned to be started? How to contact us? We wanted to reach people living and working near the planned KST IV tram route with such information by releasing the first issue of the “Informator” news-sheet.
Arrangements regarding the change to the cross-section of Meissnera St.
The process of re-arrangements regarding limited traffic in Meissnera Street has started. As a result, the number of noise walls along the project will be lower and the space created can be designated for greenery.
Noise-reducing methods along the investment revealed!
Fewer trucks, a quiet bus fleet, narrow roadways – these are some of the assumptions to reduce road noise along the new tram route to Mistrzejowice.
Number of noise barriers reduced along the project!
Fewer noise barriers, more greenery – these design changes respond to the needs voiced by Kraków’s residents. The ideas include limited traffic on Meissnera Street, electrified bus fleet or the use of a noise-reducing surface.
How will cyclists benefit from the construction of KST IV?
Over 18 thousand m2 of bike paths will be constructed as part of the construction of the Kraków Fast Tram route (KST), stage 4. Cyclists will safely and comfortably cover the entire route between the intersection of Meissnera/Mogilska Streets and Mistrzejowice.
Near Barei roundabout a rain garden will be created
It soaks up rainwater like a sponge, thanks to which it helps prevent creation of the so-called urban heat islands. Such a rain garden will be created near Barei roundabout as part of Tramway to Mistrzejowice (KST IV) the construction project.
According to the schedule or how a project clock ticks
What are the three basic goals of any construction project? Complete the investment, stay within the budget and meet the deadlines. A project implementation schedule helps in achieving the third one. It is prepared long before the day one at the construction site.
How will the Mistrzejowice tram terminus be altered?
Convenient access to housing estates, quite a lot of greenery, new lighting – this will be the new look of the Mistrzejowice terminus.
An information system or how will I know when the tram arrives?
There will be displays showing the estimated time of arrival of trams on each stop on the route to Mistrzejowice. Traffic Tram Supervision System (TTSS) is the source of this practical information.
A surface with improved parameters will boost noise protection
The contractor of the tram route to Mistrzejowice will apply a special mineral-asphalt mixture to reduce traffic noise even more effectively. Together with other solutions that suppress noise and vibrations, it will ensure everyday comfort for the residents.
How will the tunnel in the area of Polsadu roundabout be constructed?
The tunnel in the central part of the tram route to Mistrzejowice requires the heaviest workload in the project. It will be constructed with the use of the top-down method on diaphragm walls. Here is an overview of individual steps.
This is how the Climate change adaptation plan is implemented!
Construction of the tram route to Mistrzejowice is a practical response to the objectives specified in the Climate change adaptation plan for the City of Kraków until 2030. This will lead to reduction of traffic pollution and increased resistance of the transport sector to adverse effects of extreme weather events.
A public-private partnership offers promising prospects
Local governments in Poland and throughout Europe are seeking opportunities for quick and effective development. Just like Kraków, they are choosing the PPP formula to offer residents the highest quality services without overburdening budgets.
Sedum instead of grass – this will be a trackbed suited to a modern city
As much as 74% of the area used for the construction of the tram route to Mistrzejowice is to be biologically active. An important element will be the so-called green trackbed where sedum mats will be installed. It is an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to a traditional lawn.
Questions? Comments? Choose how you want to contact us
By phone, e-mail or Messenger? Here’s how you can reach us to get reliable information about the construction of Tramway route to Mistrzejowice.
Tramway to Mistrzejowice to be disabled-accessible
Disability ramps, elevators, tactile paving – these are just selected examples of solutions that make it easier for disabled passengers to use public transport. The design of the tram route to Mistrzejowice features many more of them. It is focusing especially on the needs of persons with reduced mobility, using wheelchairs as well as the blind and partially sighted.
Tram route to Mistrzejowice – performance of construction works one step closer
– Use of private capital from the free market enabled commencement of a project which is vital for the residents. First payment will be made to the partner only once the route is opened – stresses Marcin Hanczakowski, Director of Kraków Municipal Road Authority (ZDMK).
New vegetation resistant to exhaust fumes, drought and frost
There is more into the tramway to Mistrzejowice than a trackbed. It is an urban set-up developed almost from scratch which must support a number of functions. It will not be complete without new plantings designed as part of the vegetation management project. The plan is to introduce over 1,000 new trees in the area of the investment as well as almost 6,500 sqm of shrubs.
Measurements of vibrations for representative buildings along the line have started
Appropriate tests are needed to ensure that traffic vibrations do not exceed the comfort limit for persons who live around the future tram route. For that purpose, data collected during measurements performed within the area of the project will be used among others.
Tram route to Mistrzejowice one step closer
Request has been filed for a Road Construction Consent (RCC) decision for the tram route to Mistrzejowice. Once approved, it will pave the way for launching the construction of one of key investments in northern Kraków.
One year of designing the route to Mistrzejowice. Here’s the summary!
The cooperation of private and public partners under the KST IV project will last 24 years. What was the first year like? Here’s the summary!
Tramway tunnel extended. Trams will cross the Młyńskie Roundabout in a grade-separated way
It is now certain that the underground part of the tram route to Mistrzejowice will be over 1.2 km – trams will cross the Młyńskie roundabout in a grade-separated way. With additional funds for the investment approved by the Kraków City Council, the PPP contract was amended.
Traditional walls of Kraków have inspired the design of underground stop at Polsadu roundabout
We already know what the stop in the tunnel of the Krakow Fast Tram to Mistrzejowice will look like. The main theme of the selected design are the materials characteristic of Krakow’s walls – stone and brick. A large skylight will provide adequate lighting of the interior of the underground station at Polsadu roundabout.
Over a cup of tea about the Tramway. Mobile Information Outlet at the Młyńskie roundabout
Once the tram line to Mistrzejowice is in place, the Młyńskie roundabout will become a major transfer hub. We are spreading the news about our investment plans. This time we reached local residents in ZDMK’s Mobile Information Outlet. As the Turkish custom has it, talks were held over a cup of tea served by the private partner – Gülermak.
Tramway to Mistrzejowice to take route at -1 level through Młyńskie roundabout
Decision has been made concerning changes in the design in the area of Młyńskie roundabout. Partners in the project of construction of the KST IV tram route have agreed on implementing trackbed at -1 level which is an alternative option to the one planned initially. The changes are a response to the residents’ expectations and will ensure the project is integrated with the planned construction of premetro.
Positive opinion from the team tasked with reviewing the safety of vulnerable road users
Solutions for cyclists and pedestrians designed as part of KST IV tram route received a positive opinion of the team tasked with reviewing the safety of vulnerable road users. Below you can find the sheets presented to the team. The …
Positive opinion from the team tasked with reviewing the safety of vulnerable road users
Solutions designed as part of the KST IV tram route received a positive opinion from the team tasked with reviewing the safety of vulnerable road users. Wherever area conditions allowed, bicycle paths were designed on both sides of the investment and separated from pedestrian traffic.
Geological surveys to end in November
This autumn, the planned tramway route to Mistrzejowice will be checked from a geological perspective. It involves drilling and field sounding as well as laboratory analysis of samples collected. Purpose? To identify soil and water conditions where the works will be performed.
Answers to questions made during the on-line consultation meeting
We present answers to questions asked by Krakow residents during online meetings.
Appropriate means as a recipe for traffic excited vibrations
Technological advancement in recent years has allowed for a significant reduction in the propagation of vibrations to buildings. Residents will enjoy the fast and modern tramway route and the new road pavements that will not require renovation after a few years like before – says Prof. Tadeusz Tatara of the Cracow University of Technology.
A misleading petition. Where to look for reliable information on the construction of the Tramway to Mistrzejowice?
An anonymous author is collecting signatures on a petition with objections to the project of construction of the tram road to Mistrzejowice. Arguments marked with negative emotions are a long way from the actual project assumptions.
Fast tram at the district XV Mistrzejowice Council meeting
Last Thursday the representatives of the project took part in XXXIII session of District XV Mistrzejowice Council presenting its assumptions and answering the questions of the councilors. We present their list with answers.
Fast tram at the district III Prądnik Czerwony Council meeting
In the first and second week of July, the designing team composed of representatives of the private partner, the public entity and the designer of the investment project attended sessions of Councils of Districts III and XV. Below, we present questions asked at the meetings and answers to them.
The design concept of construction of the tram road to Mistrzejowice is at its final stage
Works on the concept of track and road layouts as well as the tunnel with an underground stop as part of the new, approx. 4.5-km long tram road to Mistrzejowice are in progress. On that basis, the final building permit design will be developed, which will be then implemented.
Representation of the Tramway to Mistrzejowice at PPP Leaders Forum
Partners in the project of construction of a tram road to Mistrzejowice will be among panelists of this year’s edition of PPP Leaders Forum. The conference under the auspices of the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy is dedicated to, i.a., financing, bankability and effectiveness of the public-private partnership model (PPP).
Workshops for children “Little Masters – to Mistrzejowice by tram” are just about to start
Who designs a tram road? How is a tunnel constructed? What is not allowed at the construction site? Answers to these as well as other questions of the youngest ones concerning construction of a tram road will be provided during workshops “Little Masters – to Mistrzejowice by tram”.
Workshops for children “Little Masters – to Mistrzejowice by tram” have started
Kindergarten children from Cracow take part in educational workshops “Little Masters – to Mistrzejowice by tram”. The workshops are organized as part of construction of a new Kraków Fast Tram road (KST, stage IV) implemented in the model of public-private partnership (PPP).