The construction of the line to Mistrzejowice starts. What do we know about limitations?

The contractor for the new tramway route to Mistrzejowice will soon begin essential construction work. A ZRID decision has been issued allowing works to begin. What traffic changes can residents in the vicinity of the investment expect? The construction manager answered our questions.

Construction of a new tram route begins from Mogilska Street through Meissnera, Młyńska, Dobrego Pasterza, Krzesławicka, Bohomolca and Jancarza Streets up to the terminus in Mistrzejowice. Let’s try to go through the difficulties residents will be facing.

Wojciech Janosz, Construction Manager, Gülermak: The new route will start from the intersection with Mogilska Street, which will be rebuilt at the very end of the contract. Plugging the new trackbed into the existing one and changes in this area are therefore not planned until 2025.

Next we have Meissnera Street and the construction of a track between the roadways.

Yes, the trackbed will be built in the lane dividing the roadways. This entails redeveloping underground utilities beforehand. In order to free up space for the new track, it is crucial to relocate the district heating main, which is more than a kilometer long. Also, we are rebuilding water mains, teletechnical network, power grid, gas grid – all systems typical for a city. The utilities will be mainly under sidewalks and bicycle paths and they all need to be laid and put in order. This will be a large part of the task. In fact, for the first year of implementation the work will be carried out along the entire Meissnera Street. Importantly, we are taking into account MPEC guidelines related to the heating season.

What difficulties residents must expect here?

On Meissnera Street – from Mogilska Street to the intersection with Chałupnika and Pszona Streets – traffic will be routed on the two existing roadways with one lane in each direction: depending on where the work will be carried out at the time on the inner or outer lanes. There will be parking restrictions. There will also be restrictions on pedestrian and bicycle traffic, but we will try to minimize them.

Moving on to the Młyńskie Roundabout. The scale of changes will be much larger than on Meissnera Street. Will this also translate into traffic during the investment?

The section between the Młyńskie and Barei Roundabouts is by far the most difficult part of the project: a tram tunnel is being built here. In order to make it, we have to move a 400-meter underground section of the Sudół Dominikański watercourse, which today is in the lane separating the roadways of Młyńska Street (between the Młyńskie Roundabout and Miechowity Street). As part of our work, the watercourse will be relocated under the western carriageway. To this end, all existing underground networks have to be rebuilt, including the water main, which we cannot disconnect. It is necessary to make special temporary bypasses.

Depending on terrain and weather conditions, we should be able to complete the relocation of the Sudół Dominikański by about the 15th month of the project. The first three months will be devoted to network relaying, and then we plan to build the new Sudół. This means deep excavation. The western roadway of Młyńska Street – from Pilotów Street to the intersection with Miechowity Street – and the western roadway of Meissnera Street to the intersection with Chałupnika Street will be closed. Traffic will proceed on the eastern roadway. After construction starts on this section of the tunnel, the next stage of traffic organization will be introduced. We will notify it in advance.

What about the intersection of Polsadu Roundabout and Bora-Komorowskiego Avenue? Will there be a repeat of the traffic jams we had on Opolska Street due to the construction of another tram route?

The construction of an underground stop under the Polsadu Roundabout is a critical part of the contract. It is a large volume facility with two underground levels. It is comparable in scale to a subway station. Works in this area will last for the entire construction period: about 31 months.

Restrictions are inevitable. In the first few months, networks will be relocated: in stages across Bora Komorowskiego Avenue. In practice, this will require switching off two lanes and accumulating traffic on one – interchangeably left, right, center. Once we deal with the diaphragm walls of the underground facility, it will be necessary to switch off the eastern roadway of Młyńska Street from Miechowity Street to Polsadu Roundabout along the future station on one side and route two-way traffic on the other. This will certainly be a major challenge, but in contrast to the situation on Opolska Street, here traffic will be possible straight ahead at all times over the flyover. With our works we are interfering with important urban arteries leading traffic from south to north and east to west. There are no ideal alternatives, so hindrances are unavoidable. We will keep residents informed of all changes.

We have passed the intersection and are heading north. What will happen in the area of Lublańska Street?

During the first six months of the contract, we will be redeveloping underground networks located outside the roadway at this location. When the work is advanced, the eastern roadway of Lublańska Street will not be closed for traffic. It will be carried out in two directions on the western roadway. However, this stage is scheduled for the next year. After the tunnel section is completed, traffic will return to the eastern roadway, and works will be launched on the western roadway.

The tram resurfaces before Dobrego Pasterza Street.

Yes, in this section the tram is routed on the south side of Dobrego Pasterza Street, so there is no major interference with the roadway. During the first period of implementation, we are preparing the site for the construction of the new trackbed. There will be obstructions like temporary traffic shutdowns, manual traffic control, closure of sections of sidewalks. On a daily basis, we will try to move in the footprint of the future trackbed.

Further east, we have a track crossing to the other side of the street. Works here will be carried out in the later stages of implementation: in the second half of 2024 at the earliest.

We arrived at the narrow Krzesławicka Street.

There is no room for a separated bicycle path, so on this short section of the project, on Krzesławicka Street, cyclists will travel on the roadway. A separated sidewalk and turning places at the end of the street have been designed.

Works on Krzesławicka Street will begin as early as this year with the preparation of the area for the future trackbed. We will be in contact with its residents and access to the property will be provided.

And now the last section: Bohomolca and Jancarza Streets.

On Bohomolca Street, we are planning greater difficulties only next year: during the holiday season, when there is less traffic. Before that happens, we are dealing with underground networks, maintaining two-way traffic. The work will be carried out mainly outside the perimeter of the current roadway. The section in the area of Kniaźnina Street up to the designed tramway crossing will be thoroughly rebuilt. Going further north, interference in the road system will be relatively minor. For example, limited to the construction of an additional lane for turning into Reduta and Załuskich Streets.

And when the difficulties will be felt by passengers on the current Mistrzejowice terminus?

Works there are planned for the second half of next year. The assumption is that the obstructions cannot overlap with those on Mogilska Street. The terminus will be ready earlier. It will be made in a brand new standard. The layout will change and we will also plant many new trees there.

For how long will it be necessary to disconnect the trackbed between Piastowskie Roundabout and Mistrzejowice?

We assume that this will be a period of about five months. Bus traffic will run smoothly, so communication will be preserved. The tracks have to be closed, as the entire terminus must be dismantled and thoroughly rebuilt along with the overhead catenary. The work will also involve a section of the old trackbed and overhead line in the eastern direction, along with elevation changes.

What do we know at this stage about public transport?

Buses will run along existing routes at all times. Only changes in the location of stops and possible route adjustments are possible. In terms of tram transport, in the first year of the contract, the Mistrzejowice tram terminus will operate without changes. Restrictions will be introduced in the second half of 2024. The closing of tram transport along Mogilska Street is a matter of the last six months of the contract (in 2025).


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Inventory of buildings in the immediate vicinity of the project

In connection with the upcoming construction work, the contractor will conduct an inventory of the existing condition of buildings that are located in the immediate vicinity of the project. By conducting the analysis before the work begins, residents, city authorities and the contractor will be assured that the entire process is proceeding as planned and does not have negative consequences for the surrounding area.

The buildings indicated by the Designer located in the immediate vicinity of the project, as shown on the attached overview map, will be inventoried by a specialized company after receiving notification and approval for such activities. The inventory should be as up-to-date as possible, which is why we will perform it immediately before the commencement of work that could potentially affect the building.

What will be checked?

The inspection of buildings and premises consists of a brief description of the construction of the selected properties, taking photographic documentation and writing a report with a description of their current technical condition.

Single-family residential buildings will be inventoried in terms of facades, accessible interiors, fencing, surroundings, greenery, driveways and sidewalks. Other types of buildings are subject to inventory in terms of facades and accessible walkways, underground garages (if any), fencing, greenery.

The inspection is scheduled from mid-July to the end of August 2023, but no later than before work begins on the site.

How do I apply to participate in the inventory?

Requests have been made to the Cooperative Boards to inform residents about the work in progress. Please respond to the announcements that appear.

The person in charge of this work in the field is Mateusz Szubiński, tel. +48 669 667 776

You can also apply directly through the email address: (please include your exact address and phone number) or by phone from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at 722 22 00 88.

Persons performing the inventory will agree on the date of the work directly with the owner in each case. The inventory takes, depending on the size of the premises and complexity, a maximum of a few hours.

After the inventory, a report will be prepared. The owner can receive a copy of the document immediately after the inventory or at an agreed date.

Sample inspection report:

Czytaj dalej

Response to residents’ demands

President Jacek Majchrowski declared to respond to the demands that residents voiced during the information meetings. Below are the changes we have taken into account after the analyses.

Demand 1 – abandonment of additional lanes of traffic on Młyńska Street, Pilotów Street (from the side of the Sadzawki Street)

The possibility of shortening an additional lane in the area of Sadzawki Street has been accepted, while indicating that the length of the division of lanes into left/right and right/straight lanes will be adjusted to the projected traffic volume.

Demand 2 – 4-6 Meissnera Street – move the bike path to the side away from the roadway

Accepted the presented solution for the route of the sidewalk directly at the edge of 4-6 Meissnera Street.

Demand 3 – 4-6 Meissnera St. – restoration of a row of trees on the side of the parking lot

In connection with the change from para. 2, introducing additional greenery plantings has been declared.

Demand 4 – Lublańska Street – redesign the section of the bicycle path and sidewalk in such a way as to preserve as many trees as possible, taking into account, for example, the “floating” bicycle paths proposed by the contractor during public consultations in the field

The proposal to elevate the bicycle path and sidewalk in relation to the western roadway of Lublańska Street requires a detailed analysis of the elevation relationship of adjacent areas, in order to avoid scarping of the area and undercutting of the root mass of trees. The solution has been recommended for implementation and will be finally agreed upon after the presentation of design solutions at the stage of the executive design agreement.

Demand 5 – maintaining the right turn from Krzesławicka Street into Dobrego Pasterza Street

The demand has been accepted. It requires the development of the relevant documentation and proper procedures.

Demand 6 – creation of a right turn from Dobrego Pasterza Street into Bora-Komorowskiego Street (end of Dobrego Pasterza Street)

The demanded scope of work is outside the scope of the investment. The Contractor has confirmed that for the duration of construction, it will make a right turn from Dobrego Pasterza Street into Bora-Komorowskiego Street as a temporary solution in the technology of paving with prefabricated road plates. Execution of the right turn in the final construction requires relocation of conflicting underground infrastructure.

Demand 7 – renovation of Aliny and Jana Brzechwy streets and not opening the connector between Jana Brzechwy and Krzesławicka streets.

The scope of the renovation of Aliny Street and Brzechwy Street is beyond the scope of the project, while the connector between Jana Brzechwy Street and Krzesławicka Street will not be opened.

Demand 8 – preservation of as many trees as possible on Młyńska Street, in the vicinity of blocks number 7, 11, 14 between Młyńska Street and Pilotów Street.

In order to protect more trees, the route of the bike path at the intersection with Bohaterów Wietnamu Street has been changed.

Demand 9 – redesign the bike path to preserve the trees at the height of Fiołkowa, Janickiego, Ugorek

The route of the bicycle path and sidewalk near the slope in the area of Pszona Street will be changed, which requires redesigning the telecommunications infrastructure, among other things, and a new ZUDP agreement in this regard, as well as the development of a new retaining wall design.

Demand 10 – re-examine the condition of young trees with the possibility of replanting as many as possible

The work is being carried out on an ongoing basis by specialists of the Urban Greenery Board.

Demand 11 – construction of noise barriers at Lublańska Street

It was decided that the screens on the section of Lublańska Street from the Barei Roundabout will be made in accordance with the provisions of the environmental decision issued in 2017 for this investment.


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Constant ornithological and wildlife surveillance during the works

The ongoing work is under constant ornithological and wildlife monitoring. Prior to the start of felling work, trees are checked for animal habitation.

The inspection is carried out by expert naturalists. Work is carried out under the constant supervision of construction management. Trees are removed only if no animal presence is discovered.

The preparatory work including the necessary felling is carried out in accordance with the Environmental Decision, which requires the contractor to secure ornithological supervision during the felling of trees during the bird breeding season. In addition, in accordance with the Derogation Decision, the required nature supervision, which includes an ornithologist, is present.

The inspection is carried out by expert naturalists and all work is carried out under the constant supervision of construction management.

The construction site is properly secured, and fences are being erected as necessary.

Czytaj dalej